Thursday, October 05, 2006


Dedicated to George Faludy

By Alex S Gabor bio


You left me a trillion years ago.I'm still in love with you.
You're an infinite part of my circle of life
Remember how we kissed each others lifeless lips in vain?
Without our flesh bodies upon the astral plane?
How we hopped onto that intergalactic peace train?
We hoped to have eight trillion children once, but only a trillion came.
We wanted to populate the galaxies galore
But implants collapsed our hoard
In eternal exile our lives are cursed with misery and pain.
The hearts of our children left with that stain
I only touched home with the tip of my being for a moment
Cloistered on the craft across the divide
Before I cried and was flown back
Again to that wretched place of politics
Our love was like a separate universe,
not like a withering planet encrusted in wars
For a trillion years it has been standing proud and tall,
Making love was incantation, energy connected,
eternal expansion of soul, you said.
You reached for it, death after death
Birth after birth, sending me cosmic messages
It was hardly any trouble at all.
And now once again, long before you died,
in the dark of night,
our hearts touched the face of another desolate planet
Two thirds water, one third land
Earthquakes rumbled at the words of our command
I held your essence in my heart,
embracing me so tight that I did succeed.
Hurricanes did swirl upon our etheral thoughts
Crashing upon mindless shores
In death you rose immortal, poet laureate
You propelled fast upon the orb,
Free of illness, cancer, or any disease
Free to come back and kiss me again
"It is true. It is ecstasy, it's paradise!",
you knew death like victory over life.
Asleep there, you awoke from the dream
I was knelt at your altar
Crowned by your achievements - stark naked aghast.
The first time in our trillion year trek across the universe of mortals
I was overjoyed and tears came upon my invisible minds eye
The essence of my infinite being
Two circles came together
In space and time
And we spoke for the last time
An ancient language few will understand
The first time and the last
The beginning and the end
The outside and the inside
The faraway middle
You and I, we know the riddle.
You were the man once
I was the woman more often
Now I am the man
And I await your womanhood, once again.
